In our yard is a pond, and in the pond is a frog, and in the a fly. Good frog! Yet another reason I love spring/summer. Familiar sights and sounds bring back childhood memories. Catching slimy creatures, swatting flies and running around with bare feet. Bring on the warmth and sunshine!
The only thing sweeter than the innocent glance of a child,
is capturing it without them noticing. As a parent, I want to remember my children the way they really were when they were little...not posed, not fake. Their real expressions, the ones that melt my heart.
Images I want to keep with me as they grow and change.
Laura Lye, a photographer and artist, has been capturing images full of life and character for the past six years. Her use of natural light and easy going approach, allow her clients to feel relaxed and comfortable; creating beautiful pictures and memories.
For more information on sessions and pricing please contact her at: